All Classes and Interfaces
A built-in repository supertype for performing basic operations on entities.
Annotates a parameter of a repository method to specify the name of an
entity attribute against which to compare.
A built-in repository supertype for performing Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations on entities.
Indicates a connection-related failure that might be intermittent in nature.
Thrown by the data provider when a problem occurs.
A built-in repository supertype that is the root of all other built-in repository supertype interfaces.
Annotates a repository method to perform delete operations.
Represents the direction of the ordering.
Data access exception thrown when a result was expected to have at least one row (or element)
but zero rows (or elements) were actually returned.
Indicates that an entity cannot be inserted into the database
because an entity with same unique identifier already exists in the database.
Annotates a repository method that inserts entities.
A page of data with the ability to create a cursor from the keyset
of each entity in the page.
A slice of data with the ability to create a cursor from the
keyset of each entity in the slice.
Limits how many results are retrieved by a repository find method.
A mapping exception is one thrown if an issue exists at runtime or build time in the data mapping.
This exception is raised when execution of a repository method with a singular
return type finds multiple results.
Indicates a failure that is due to inconsistent state between the entity and the database.
Annotates a repository method to request sorting of results.
Enables multiple
annotations on the method.A page contains the data that is retrieved for a page request
and has awareness of the total number of pages.
A request for a page or slice.
A cursor that is formed from a keyset, relative to which a next
or previous page can be requested.
The type of pagination: offset-based or
keyset cursor-based, which includes a direction.
A built-in repository supertype with methods that use pagination and sorting to retreive entities.
Annotates a parameter of a repository method to bind it to a named parameter of a
.Annotates a repository method to specify a query string such as SQL, JPQL, Cypher etc.
Annotates a repository interface to be implemented by the container/runtime.
Annotates a repository method that updates entities if found in the database
and inserts entities into the database that are not found.
A slice contains the data that is retrieved for a page request.
Requests sorting on a given entity attribute.
An interface for sequential streaming of an
.Annotates a repository method to perform update operations.